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Meal Planning: Dinner

We hit a rut in dinner planning recently (again), which prompted me to post in a couple of mom groups on Facebook. I shared our current menu and system, asked how everyone else plans their menus, and asked for ideas. I got a few good ones! I also got some moms asking more about how I take care of our planning and asking for my master list of recipes. So, I figured I’d share it here, too (: So first off, I’ve tried so many systems over the last decade. I’ve tried shopping the sales and then meal planning based off of that. I’ve tried theme nights. I’ve tried making it up as I go.  The system that I’ve kept coming back to is pretty simple: plan 2-4 weeks at a time, and making adjustments to the menu as needed. Start with a protein, then choose a grain, carb, or starch and 1-2 veggie or fruit sides Get the family involved! Everyone has to pick 1-2 meals per rotation Cook every other night, eat leftovers the next day. (There are a few exceptions to this that require cooking 2 nights in a r

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